Keep on Singing

Sparrow Song Studio’s – Night of Songs is a moment to breathe in a world with hard edges. We tell stories, share our songs, and hold space for one another in communion with God and one another.

Trauma and Our Emotions

Trauma silences our voice making emotions a murky sea, difficult to navigate. It is so common to hear it said that emotions lie to us and therefore we need to focus our energy on controlling and shutting emotions down. However, if we know how to listen, emotions will lead the way to healing and transformation.

Many people believe that the proof of a healthy life is to not be emotionally affected, and stoicism has been celebrated as mental health. But the truth is, our emotions were given to us by God as sign posts to point to the root of an issue or unhealed wound. If we will take a moment and notice what our emotions are telling us, they will reveal the root of the difficult things we feel. When we stop simply shutting down our emotions we will discover the joy we want to pursue with our lives, our passions, hopes, and God given desires.

The process of putting emotion to song bypasses our tendency to analyze and shut down our feelings before we express them. Singing gives us freedom to acknowledge what we think and feel, releasing us from the shame of *Should*.

The beauty of song is that it reaches the pain locked inside, revealing the root hidden under the emotion, and helps us understand what we feel without self judgement getting in the way.

I bet you didn’t know singing was so magical 🙂

What We Do

Night of Songs uncovers and gives us space to move through emotional and mental roadblocks, releasing the stress of daily life through song and communion. It is a place cultivated for us to take intentional time to explore the often neglected landscapes of the soul.

A Little Singing Science

According to Healthline, the research shows that singing has benefits we may not be aware of! Here are just a few.

  • 1. Singing relieves stress, lowering the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
  • Stimulates the immune response, boosting your immune system to help fight illness.
  • Releases endorphins, promoting positive feelings and even changing your perception of pain. A 2012 study found that singing, drumming, and dancing in a group triggers the release of hormones that raise your pain tolerance in ways that just listening to music doesn’t.
  • Singing develops a sense of belonging and connection, when you sing together with others. Studies have shown singing develops a sense of community and social inclusion, a higher sense of well being and meaningful connection. This comes from the neurochemical oxytocin (also known as the love hormone) being released. So you can literally share the love! Spontaneous, improvised singing causes your body to release this feel-good hormone, which gives you a heightened sense of connectedness and inclusion.
  • Enhances memory in people with dementia, helps with grief, improves mental health and mood, and also improves speaking abilities.

What Can I Expect?

We sing spontaneous, spiritual songs and prayers, share spoken word, poetry, our stories and struggles — any genuine expression you feel rising to the surface. There is no set musical agenda, and it’s ok if you aren’t a singer. Reclaiming and releasing your Voice isn’t about how musical you are, but about who you were created to be!

Come and explore the freedom and power of discovery through communion of Spirit, unique to a shared musical experience.

Night of Songs

We meet to sing our hearts out in spontaneous song, spoken word, story telling, poetry, or whatever expression brings your heart to life. Bring your journal and your voice and we will explore and discover together.

The Power of Art

Art has the power to reach places in us that talk therapy alone just can’t do. Kambi Swan, LPC trauma therapist, and I are teaming up for sessions in Statesville. These sessions are limited to 12 participants, so sign up today for our next event.

One on One Sessions

I am currently taking new clients for Spiritual Life Coaching and One on One Sparrow Song sessions.

Contact me for details.

Click below to RSVP and save your spot & check out our upcoming events page for details. Space is limited to 12.


What People Say

I never knew how much I needed to sing my heart’s prayer until I experienced one of the hardest times of my life. I didn’t know it then, but I was singing songs over myself. GOD was preparing my heart for what was coming. There was healing in the midst of my tears…such freedom in my song.


My wife and I experienced a great peace when we attended a Night of Songs Session with Sallie to explore our hearts. We are both fast paced people and it’s easy to forget to pay attention to what is going on inside our heart. Not only to pay attention to it, but to speak it out loud. We aren’t trained to make that a priority.

There is something different about saying out loud what is happening inside. Sallie provided an easy space to explore those things.

We are familiar with a worship environment where we can pour out our affection on God. But walking through and looking at the messy parts of our hearts with God as our guide is much less familiar. Yet we need Him in these hidden places. Sallie facilitated a place where this need can be met.

Time with her is both peaceful and accepting, exuberant and yet patient. I remember looking around the room and listening to each person share what surfaced for them as Sallie played. We all spoke out something different and yet the same basic need was met. We all benefited from the illumination of each other’s heart. Sallie provided a safe space where we could approach our hearts’ “junk drawers” and we could start to clean out each item and find where it belongs, in its proper time.  


Reflecting on my thoughts and feelings through a musical outlet, free to sing at any time, was a transformational experience for me. It’s one that forces you to look deep within your heart and pull out raw emotion.

When put in a vulnerable, yet peaceful state such as this, you are able to see your true self and uncover things that weigh you down more than you would otherwise notice. For me personally, doing something like this not only allowed me to face hard truths pushed aside or buried deep down, but also helped me to recognize who I truly am and what I need. It opened the door to some wonderful connections within myself that encourages me to keep moving forward.

When you are pushed outside of your comfort zone, that’s when you can really grow. I look forward to attending another session and finding my voice in a way that gives me strength to acknowledge who I am more often. 
Andie Sloan, LCMHCA 

I didn’t know what to expect going into it, but it was the bomb! So glad I came. Such a cool experience and looking forward to the next one.
